Friday, June 8, 2007

My H1B Stamping FAQ - Tijuana

Q. More info about Consulate?
A. Some visitors of my blog have commented that there are two different consulates in Tijuana. My understanding was that the old one is closed....Anyway, you will have to go to one that gives you H1 Visa. The address should be on your appointment letter. Show the Taxi driver where you want to go. If still not sure, refer to the map that I have posted.

Q. How do I book for an appointment for visa stamping in Tijuana US consulate.
A. Go to to book the date. Create a login for $10 and you can schedule. Go through the website before you book the appointment.

Q. Do we need separate appointments for Husband (H1-B), Wife and kids on (H4) visa?
A. No. One appointment is enough. Add wife and kids as dependents who want to come for visa stamping along with you while booking the appointment.

Q. DS-156?
A. This is required for all applicants one for each.

Q. DS-157?
A. Required for all male applicants.

Q. When will the consulate return the passport after stamping?
A. For me they returned the passport the same day. You might have a different experience. I have heard people getting stuck for a weekend because of some technical problems. Also, if you are working for some defense related company you might be requiring some security clearance which could take even a week or so. So be prepared depending on the situation but for most people passports are returned the same day. Look at some comments that are posted to see other peoples experience.

Q. How many times can I generate DS-156 bar code?
A. Any number of times you want.

Q. Can I handwrite DS-156?
A. Better not. You can only sign and date by hand. But can submit DS-156 again and generate a bar code.

Q. Can you provide sample DS-156?
A. Yes. Click here.

Q. What is LCA?
A. It is labor conditioning approval. Ask your employer to provide a copy of this before you go for the stamping. This is a mandatory document to carry.

Q. What is I-129?
A. This is one of the H1B Petition application. Ask your employer to provide a copy of this before you go for the stamping. This is a mandatory document to carry.

Q. Bar code Information?
A. Bar code should be clearly visible on DS-156 on page 1 and 3. The bar code in page 3 is very important and if that couldn't be scanned then information will have to be typed all over again. So make sure Bar code is printed clean and complete.

Q. Do we need DS-158?
A. Tijuana consulate does not require this form. I didn't take it. Other forms might be required. This might change time to time. Check the website at the time of booking your appointment .

Q. I have lost some documents you have mentioned, what do I do?
A. Some of the documents are very much required and some are optional which may be asked to provided at the time of Interview. The required documents are mentioned in the website ( You will have to create an account and click on "NON IMMIGRANT VISA INFORMATION" on home page to access this information. These are the most important ones. If you don't have the required documents which are mentioned in this website then you might be in trouble. So be careful. Other documents that I have mentioned is optional and may be requested by the visa officer. You never know. Better be safe than sorry.

Q. Is it safe to ride a Taxi?
A. Yes, I believe so. I think taxi drivers are very helpful in fact. Your experience might differ. Be alert. One word of caution is that you should always fix the price before you ride the taxi.

Q. More information on how to go to the border or Jack in the Box for parking?
A. When you drive I805-south, take the exit which mentions "Last USA Exit" go 0.3 miles. Turn left on "Camino de la plz" go 0.3 miles. Turn right on E San Ysidro Blvd and you will see Jack in the Box immediately. There you will find number of parking spots. There is $8 parking as soon as u take right on San Ysidro Blvd. If you want $5 parking take left on the first light(signal) after you take right on San Ysidro. You will there see a sign for parking $5. If you still not sure then park some where around and the border is very near.

Q. What suppose I miss the exit?
A. If u miss the "Last USA Exit" don't panic. You will get a chance to make a U-Turn and to make the U-Turn be on the left side of the Free way and will probably have to take the exit. If you still miss this then you will be welcomed to Mexico in your car ;)

Q. How much does the Taxi ride cost?
A. Border to Banamex: $5
Banamex to Consulate: Walking distance
Consulate to Border: $6
Consulate to Plaza Rio: Walking distance (this place is opposite to Banamex)
Consulate to Revolucion: $5

Q. Does the bank accept US dollars?
A. Yes, US dollars are widely accepted all over Tijuana and just not bank. So you don't need to convert your money to pesos.

Q. How far is Banamex from the Consulate?
A. Banamex is about 10 minute walking distance from the consulate. For walking directions click here.

Q. Can I carry my bag inside the consulate?
A. Yes, you can carry a small bag containing all your documents. No electronic devices allowed what so ever. If you have items with you that are not allowed then you can leave your items in some shops next to the consulate. They will hold your stuff for $3.

Q. Do I need a new I-94 on arriving at the border?
A. In my case I knew I didn't needed because the date on my I-94 was as per my new I-797. If the date on I-94 is expiring I think you need a new I-94. It is better ask the Visa officer or the immigration officer if you are not sure. If you need a new I-94 just let the immigration officer know at the border.

Update: If you need a new I-94 card you will have to go get this card from adjacent building (outside building with 3 flag poles) and as per people experience this might take couple hours. So instead of waiting in the line that actually gets you into US, you will have to go this line which issues new I-94. If you are not sure where to go just ask some officers there and they might help. So it is very helpful to know if you need a new I94 or not. Otherwise your experience might be frustrating.

Q. Do you need a Mexican visa to enter Mexico?
A. Technically yes, but there is no one to check while you are entering Mexico. So it is not mandatory. This is true only when you are crossing the border by walk. But you might need a Mexican visa if you are flying by air and arrive at an Airport. Find it out yourself.

Q. What are good places to visit in Tijuana?
A. We visited two places Revolucion (pronounced as Revolution) which is mainly downtown Tijuana and Plaza Rio which is very close to the consulate.

Q. More information about Revolucion(Revolution)?
A. Revoucion is in downtown Tijuana. You will have to take a Taxi($5) from the consulate to get here. There a big arch there. You will find more information when you google it. I have included some pictures here. It is not a pretty place but it is place to kill some time. But this place is not nice to hang around with kids. Its a Sin place. Lots of shops with Bars, Clubs and adult places. When you shop, do it wisely. They will always demand some ridiculous prices. Some of them quote five times the actual value. So be wise. You can always bargain. This place has nice food joints. You will even find KFC, McDonald's andBurger King at his place.

Q. More information about Plaza Rio?
A. This is decent place to hang out as it is in much upscale community. It is on opposite side of Banamex. So it is 10 minute walk from the consulate. It like a mall with lot decent shops. It has Burger King if you are hungry. Lot of people hang out here.


syarla said...

Do you have a US degree?

dahagama said...

I followed your blog..everything is okay except that you have 2 mention that there are 2 American consulates in Tijuana and you have to go the one where they give H1 visa. If you tell the cab driver american consulate he will take you to another show the address to can driver and tell him to take you there.Also you have to tell Banamex(specifically) that you need 1100 Peso bank draft or else they don't know.

Also while coming back the line for I-94 took 2 hours.That's was my worst part...standing in the Sun for 2 hours.

Sridhar N said...

Dahagama, Thanks for comments. It is very informative. I will update my Blog with this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for putting your experience and it was very informative.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sridhar,
I took an appontment but I want one day early appointment since I my flight for India scheduled on the same. In any event, some times can we hget an earlier date of appointment if we keep checking?

aBigThinker said...

Hey There:
My wife is changing the status from H4 to H1. Is it safe to go to Tijuana for stamping

aBigThinker said...

Hey There:
My wife is changing the status from H4 to H1. Is it safe to go to Tijuana for stamping

Sridhar said...

Hey Jag,
I think she should be fine to go to TIjuana as long as she takes all the docs. Check other peoples experience.

SS said...


My wife was earlier on an L1 VISa dn got a change of status H1.Now we need to get her H1 stamped.Can we go to tijuana or is it mandatory to go to the home country for first time H1 stamping?
Please advise

Sridhar N said...

She can go to Tijuana.

Sonia said...


I am a little confused , I am going to India in sep and I need to get my H1 stamped which is COS from L1->H1 , I have heard there are many RFE that come in India and my employer is a small one they have also get some RFE's.
So I was wondering if I should get it done by Tijuana butthe one problem is if there is an issue how will I go to India from Tijuana , I amy how have to go to India in sept , Can anyone recommend which is better place to get the visa stamped India or Tijuana

Anonymous said...

I have a new h1b and need to take my wife along for h4 visa. How did you book the appointment for your wife? Did you enter your h1b receipt number for her too? Because seems like the system asks for receipt # for each person you are adding as a dependent?
Thanks in advance.

Sridhar N said...

Hi Sonia,
First of all if you have all the docs there shouldnt be any problem either place. But for some reason you are still not sure, then India is a safe bet. Make sure you take all your documents including previous approval notices(L1 Docs), Employer details etc. If still in doubt consult an attorney. Hope this helps.


PS: If this blog has helped you in any form please Donate.

Sridhar N said...

Hi Mr.Anonymous,
when I took my wife for H4 visa she already had an approved H4 visa. In your case I guess you need to get a new one for your wife. I am not sure what exactly is the procedure for that.

But where are you at? Your case is not just Stamping. So I guess you are in your home country. Consult your the right person for this or look under other forums. I have never been in this situation.

PS: If this blog has helped you in any form please Donate.

Raghunath Raman said...

Do you recommend driving across into Mexico and parking near the consulate or do you think it is better to park on the US side and walk across and take a cab to the consulate. I am travelling with two kids and hence wanted to plan accordingly.

Please advise thanks

Sridhar N said...

I dont know anything about Mexico side of parking or driving. So I cant really say anything. But I still recommend to park on the US side. Dont forget strollers for your kids!

sigma said...

I need serious advise.
My H3 was denied and I am given 30 days to depart US.My husband and daughter were my dependents under H3 so they were denied on that application too. But while my H3 was still pending, my husband filed H1 and until now its pending while completing for the RFE. How soon can the result for H1 be out? CAn we do stamping at Tijuana given our case?Also I heard rumors that if you leave the country even with approved H1 they cannot come back because of overstaying?How can we make sure we can come back because our I-94 lapsed but because we had pending applications. I am eligible for EB2, will it help?

sigma said...

I need serious advise.
My H3 was denied and I am given 30 days to depart US.My husband and daughter were my dependents under H3 so they were denied on that application too. But while my H3 was still pending, my husband filed H1 and until now its pending while completing for the RFE. How soon can the result for H1 be out? CAn we do stamping at Tijuana given our case?Also I heard rumors that if you leave the country even with approved H1 they cannot come back because of overstaying?How can we make sure we can come back because our I-94 lapsed but because we had pending applications. I am eligible for EB2, will it help?


sigma said...

I need serious advise.
My H3 was denied and I am given 30 days to depart US.My husband and daughter were my dependents under H3 so they were denied on that application too. But while my H3 was still pending, my husband filed H1 and until now its pending while completing for the RFE. How soon can the result for H1 be out? CAn we do stamping at Tijuana given our case?Also I heard rumors that if you leave the country even with approved H1 they cannot come back because of overstaying?How can we make sure we can come back because our I-94 lapsed but because we had pending applications. I am eligible for EB2, will it help?


Sridhar N said...

Hi Sigma,
Your case seems complicated. So I woudnt like to give any suggestions. Please consult a reputed Attorney and follow their advice and you will be fine. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

I have a Question.
Can we go for H1 Stamping to Tijuana for H4 to H1 Visa Transfer?

Please reply ASAP.
my Wife's Interview is on the 31st Oct.

Sridhar N said...

Is she already working on H1B? if yes make sure to take the pay-stubs and it there will be no problem. If not working yet then it can be a problem.

Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

Sridhar, do you know if the Tijuana US Consulate is processing Change of Status F-1 to H1-B applications? I was intending on going to Nuevo Laredo but the consulate there is not processing change of status anymore.

Anonymous said...

This post is useful.
I had visa interview on Nov19th 2008.
Instructions are as usual, just a note: Taxi driver can ask which US consulate you want to go as there are 2 US consulates. Tell 'Abraham Lincoln' one. Everything else is as usual.
Visa officer asked me the following questions:
1. Where is your old I-797?
2. What does your old company do?
3. Tax papers
4. Current job role
5. About my education qualifications.
That's it! Visa was approved and collected the passport at 3PM.
We went to a movie (cinepolix theater and mall are there near by)

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Anonymous said...

Hi,I have a question regarding visa stamping.My husband is on H1b visa and he recently changed his company and has a new I-797.his visa stamping has expired and so he is planning to get it restamped with the new I-797.
He came to US on F1 and he got his F1-H1b transfer from Toronto,Canada.
So my question is can he get his visa stamping done from Tijuana when he got his first H1b stamping done in Toronto.Need urgent help.
Thank you

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Steph said...

Great website!~~~I have one questions, there is one rule saying that first renew of H1B Visa can't be applied in Tijuana? What that mean? I came to the states on F-1 Visa, and got my H1B on 2008, didn't go out of the US in these two years. If I want to get the visa in Tijuana, is that counted as first renew? Thanks.

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